The Bolt is the fastest high-speed camera robot in the world. The arm is capable of moving from standstill to high-speed motion and back again within fractions of a second. With the Bolt, the camera can literally follow falling objects and capture images that would otherwise be impossible by hand or any other method. Paired with a high-speed camera such as the Phantom Flex4K (capable of 1,000 fps at 4K), you can achieve truly remarkable shots.
The robot is not only blazing fast, but is incredibly precise as well. It is capable of repeating camera and external periphery moves as many times as needed, with 100% accuracy every single time. This is a very powerful tool for table-top food, beverage, and product work, as well as GFX work where compositing and layering may come into play.
The functionality of the Bolt goes much farther than just high-speed or repeatable moves. The Bolt is capable of integration with a large variety of external peripherals. Synchronize the arm and camera movement with turntables, dropping mechanisms, model movers, or DMX lighting cues. You can even trigger the Bolt through timecode values. What you are capable of achieving with the Bolt is limited only by your imagination.
Rotate +/- 160 degrees 240º / sec
Lift +/- 137 degrees 240º / sec
Arm +/- 150 degrees 300º / sec
Pan +/- 270 degrees 315º / sec
/-105 degrees
Roll +/-270 degrees 870º / sec
3'3" vertical move 0.5 seconds
3'3" horizontal move 0.5 seconds
180 degree arc w/ 2'5" radius 1.5 second
180 degree arc w/ 1'5" radius 1 second
Curious about the Bolt or have some additional questions? Shoot us a message and we'll get right back with you with some more details and answers!